Climate Control
21 October 2023

Beginning October 21st, Jo Kim will be roasting and selling sweet potatoes at the gallery for $1 or in exchange for knowledge of your choice. Jo is an artist from Upstate NY, now living in San Francisco. Since we met, we have had an ongoing conversation about community and community building. It has been an inspiring conversation and relationship. Jo will be roasting her sweet potatoes at the gallery every Saturday, through November 11th. Come by and have a sweet potato with Jo. We are looking forward to having you.

Jo Kim’s $1 Dollar Knowledge marks the beginning of our exhibition The Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden is an exhibition and an ecosystem. It is a Paradise Garden. It is thinking about how to be in sync with the world and each other. It is theater. It is absurd. It is a heterotopian imaginary in process. It is a medicine. Grow what you care about.

Downloadable PDF

All photos by Jo Kim